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Valgesoo bog in southern Estonia

Valgesoo is the smallest but most exciting bog in Põlvamaa. Spread over 330 hectares, it hides small marshes, ant colonies and wildlife refuges. We can offer a forest restaurant at the RMK Valgesoo campfire.

Meenikunno bog in southern Estonia

Meenikunno is one of the most exciting bogs in Southern Estonia. Instead of extensive ponds, there are lots of lakes spread out here, high marshes are surrounded by drop funnels, and the types of swamps are very variable - from open marshes to forest bogs. We can offer a forest restaurant at the RMK Mustjärvi campfire.

Seli bog in Central Estonia

The Simisalu - Matsimäe marked nature trail is 7.5 kilometers long. The trail runs along an old farm road. Part of it is a former marsh bridge, filled with reeds. From the edge of Seli lake, the trail continues along the well-observable bog slope to the high bog around the ponds. We can offer a forest restaurant at the fire place of RMK Matsimäe.

Koitjärve bog in Harju County
(North Kõrvemaa nature reserve)

A great opportunity to visit the area closed from 1953 to 1991. Koitjärvi bog was Pavlov's name then, as part of the forest management, i.e. military unit. Perhaps that is why the bog has been preserved here in its most primitive form. Magnificent meadows and swamp lakes alternate with marsh islands, a stream flows out of the high marsh ridge. We can offer a forest restaurant at the RMK Kulli campfire.

Endla bog in Jõgeva county

This bog is part of the Endla nature reserve. Endla Sinijärv, Endla Suurlaugas, Jämedasarve lake, Pätsulaugas and numerous smaller ponds are located in the swamp. Beautiful views of Männikjärvi and the surrounding swamp forest open up on the hiking trail. We can offer a forest restaurant at RMK Tooma's fire place.

Kakerdaja bog in Järva County
(Kõrvemaa nature reserve)

This bog is one of the biggest bogs in Kõrvemaa. The size of the bog massiv its around 1000 hectares. The peculiarity of the picturesque high bog with many ponds is the two-step nature of the bog, i.e. the pond belt located at two different heights. In the spring and autumn, thousands of waterfowl stop at the marsh pool.
Metsarestorani saame pakkuda RMK Noku lõkkekohas.